Meet Alison and Livvy

“What would I tell the world about abuse?

I would tell the world that it’s not too late to get yourself out and start over. I know how hard it is to walk away, it’s terrifying. I know how it feels to want to go back to your abuser because it’s easier, and maybe this time, he really will change. So you give chance after chance, hoping for it to change. It won’t. The change has to come from within you. You have to dig down, past the hurt, past the pain and self-hatred, and find the tiny part inside of you that still thinks you’re worth something. Find that part and use it to get yourself out. KNOW your self-worth. KNOW that you’re strong, confident, beautiful, amazing, smart, ambitious, courageous, and so many more things. Know that you don’t have to live your life with abuse. It’s not too late to get out and start again, don’t wait around, don’t delay. You never know what your abuser is capable of, you never know if this might be the time he really goes off the deep end. I would tell them it’s okay to ask for help, it doesn’t make you weak. It’s not too late, you CAN change your life, you CAN start over. Don’t wait!!!!!!”


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